Wednesday, April 25, 2012

there is this thing of us and always (the indelible)

there is this thing of us and always (the indelible)

“I have not betrayed Julia,” he said.
O'Brien looked down at him thoughtfully. “No,” he said; “no; that is perfectly true. You have not betrayed Julia.”
1984, George Orwell

“And anyone who/Tried to deny you must be out of their mind”—
“Green Eyes,” Coldplay, A Rush of Blood to the Head

when the rats come for me
strapped in cages to my face

and commanded to eat my tongue
and feast finally on my eyes

i will not deny you in word or deed
and even if they pick me bone-clean

there is this thing of us and always
that can never be erased by such fascism

but this is no declaration of a martyr
nothing about heroism or righteousness

this is the naked facing of the indelible
that forces gravity to bow and oceans to calm

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