Monday, October 29, 2012

time (all my calendars are the same)

time (all my calendars are the same)

i drive to work into a full moon
the last hour of morning
before sunrise

my tide high

i am risen

this is the time of year
that my heart fills with you

i am overflowing and charged
my eyes unable to hold back tears

this is the time of year
i am electrified by you


this is the time of day
i am flooded by the rising waters of you

i am buoyed and enveloped
my body weightless in this current

this is the time of day
i am swept away by you


prayer is apology

i am on my knees
but not fallen or collapsed

sorry, sorry, sorry
i supplicate with each breath at your feet

i am on my knees
and all my calendars are the same

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