Monday, August 19, 2013

this film of you (Transylvania haunts me)

this film of you (Transylvania haunts me)

i cannot stop this film of you
playing continuously in my mind

because i never stop thinking
and i never stop thinking of you

it is impossible i know to separate
memory dreams and ceaseless monologues

all of them starring you in absentia
all of them beyond my capacity to control

i am driving during a muggy August night
after a humid summer day in the South
drenched by a late afternoon thunderstorm

the asphalt glimmers wet in the headlights
and fog rises off the road like white flames
as if i am driving through a B-movie set

this campy Transylvania transforms me
as i approach the church parking lot
where we stole time summer mornings

when we held onto the rendezvous of us
as i held your feet in my lap and hands
while you drank the coffee i brought you

i begin to write this poem as i struggle
against the urge to turn into that church
to park where we once parked and to wait

vampires live forever as gift and curse
as you live forever in this film of you
although no longer in the mirror of my days

i cannot stop this film of you
playing continuously in my mind

Transylvania haunts me because
i do not want this movie to end

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