artifacts (redux)
recollection memory dream drawn from
the everyday motion of artifacts
as a boy and teenager
he was drawn to things he could collect
organize and save and treasure
object by object as each thing became his
this was not about possession
but a fortress against temporal human frailty
in the dream like the evening before watching a film
he cried spontaneously and deeply
the film:
a father turned to his daughter in the backseat of the car
and she said, “I love you, Daddy”
the dream:
he lay in bed reading when his daughter walked in
smiling, hugging him, and saying, “I love you”
maybe a film but not tears or a dream
he could hold on to—collect and preserve
he began listening to a CD she made for him
not because he liked the music or the group
but the artifact had her handwriting
across the thing itself from a moment
he had been in her mind heart and hand
like a coyote in silhouette howling its longing